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All rights reserved © 2023 Earthly Voyager
Disclaimer: Earthly Voyager specializes in working with clients before and after psychedelic experiences and does not in any way encourage using any substances outside of a legal or traditional context. Earthly Voyager does not allow illegal substances to be used, bought or sold during coaching sessions or integration circles. However, for people who made the decision to experiment with psychedelics on their own, we provide information and knowledge to ensure their safety and harm reduction, and we hold a safe and non-judgmental space for open confidential conversations. Clients are responsible to do their due diligence and make their own decisions in their healing process. Our methods help clients become well informed and make the best decisions for themselves. Earthly Voyager is an independent psycho-spiritual transformational coaching entity with no affiliations, and is not accredited by any organization or institution. This coaching service is not professional psychotherapy, counseling, medical support and it does not provide any professional assessments or diagnoses. We work with individuals who are looking for additional resources to support and expand their personal growth in becoming more conscious, loving, compassionate best versions of themselves.