
Psychedelic Integration: Why is it Needed?​

In the aftermath of a psychedelic experience your mind has increased levels of neuroplasticity and is fertile ground for real change. Your brain is basically waiting for you to show it what your new life looks like. Are things going to change or stay the same? The answer to that question depends entirely on the actions you take (or don’t take) in the hours, days and weeks following your journey.

If you are not integrating – either yourself or with a coach or therapist – then you are basically having a one-time experience that lasts a matter of hours.

There’s nothing wrong with that if that’s all you want. But if you believe psychedelics can help you evolve personally and/or spiritually then you must dive into your experience and find its lesson. And psychedelics can teach you many things but their mode of communication can be indirect. While moments of revelation, peak experiences, and profound spiritual communion are not uncommon, the messages may also consist of various symbols, metaphors, archetypes, stories and unfamiliar or uncomfortable sensations and emotions, so the underlying lesson(s) may initially elude you.

Psychedelics, even when they don’t appear to be communicating very clearly, are imparting valuable information to assist with your personal and spiritual development journey. Understanding what you saw, heard, and felt, discovering its meaning, and incorporating it into your life, is what psychedelic integration coaching is all about.

Who Benefits From Psychedelic Integration Coaching?

Integration has proven to be helpful to people who:

● Feel anxious, isolated, depressed or uneasy after an experience
● Are unsure of the meaning of what they saw, heard or felt
● Have trouble dealing with or are not sure what to do about frightening images or sensations
● Feel “stuck”: unsure of what their lesson was, or how it relates to their life
● Feel they have “Hit a wall” after multiple journeys and can’t seem to go any further
● Just want to deepen their understanding of their experience(s)
● Are new to psychedelics and have questions about different substances, their effects, and what to expect when working with them (see below).

Integration Really Begins Before Your Journey

Many people think psychedelic integration is something that’s only needed after someone uses an entheogen. But effectively absorbing, analyzing and fully immersing in any psychedelic experience is directly affected by your preparation, or lack thereof. Being properly prepared allows you to be as present as possible during the experience. Regardless of your time with psychedelics, there are tools and techniques to increase the effectiveness of your journeys. I regularly work with people to help them develop:

● Intentions
● Navigation skills to help them stay grounded during journeys
● Strategies for dealing with negative, frightening or unexpected situations
● Exercises designed to help them realize their intention(s), and to deal with any specific issues they may be working on.

I also work with people who are “curious” and researching psychedelics and other states of consciousness. I cannot advise you on how to obtain illegal substances, but in the interest of education and harm reduction I can share my knowledge, experience, and research, and do my best to answer any questions you may have.

I am not a therapist, and our sessions should not be considered a substitute for psychotherapy. I cannot provide medical or psychological evaluation or diagnosis. I do not encourage or condone illegal activity, so I cannot provide you with any illegal substances, give you advice on how to obtain them, or refer you to anyone who can. If someone chooses to work with psychedelics I can assist with preparation, education, harm reduction advice and integration coaching.

Personal Transformation

The desire to change is often initiated through some kind of crisis. Whether related to personal health, relationships, or a spiritual event – opportunity arises from the chaos.

As we see the bigger picture, we discover and gain clarity on the burdens we carry and the suffering we’ve been enduring. Then, we can begin to understand their effects and initiate the healing process. We make small changes, reclaim abandoned aspects of ourselves, and build the skills to take responsibility for, and have authority of oneself.

With our new tools and awareness, we put into practice new ways of being. We are in training – strength building, getting used to doing things differently. We let old destructive habits fall away while establishing new and healthy ways.

As we learn to adapt and self-regulate, life becomes more enjoyable. We show up as ourselves, recognize what is authentic, let go of what is not ours, and share the gifts we have to offer. We have a sense of purpose and the ability to trust, receive, and celebrate all that life has to offer.

Living as our whole, integrated and authentic selves is an ongoing process. Every experience contributes to the person we are ever-evolving into. We access the past to inform our present, reflecting on our experiences to integrate them and live better now. As we become whole, our culture and society become whole.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
— Rumi

Addiction Recovery

Addiction has its roots in the seeking outside of ourselves to fill a void that has occurred within. Whether through substances or behavior, addiction starts with an attempt to relieve pain and the suffering we are enduring. When the present moment is intolerable, the addiction of choice liberates us from the burdens of the past and fear of the future.

Addiction is an enchantment that offers the promise of euphoric feelings and great rewards while hiding the consequences. The behaviors/substances that are soothing us are also harming us. Eventually, we can’t function without them, we need them just to get through the day. They consume us and our lives, but the search to soothe our pain through external sources is endless, because the solution comes from within.

There comes a time when managing addiction is no longer sustainable or desirable. A strength within us calls forth the desire to get back on the path of the true self.

Recovering the True Self from addiction is a maturing process. We learn to get comfortable with discomfort, accept things as they are, and renew our sense of purpose. As we emerge from the hold our addiction had on us we can embrace the experience, learn from it, and draw strength from it.

The suffering and hardships endured test the limits of the human experience. When we re-align with our true selves and find purpose in our lives, we connect to the community and world in ways that are fulfilling. We have integrated the addiction experience and have the skills to process trauma and regulate stress in ways that keep us balanced.

Coaching services in person, via zoom or by phone

Consultation/Discovery Session (30 min) - FREE

Interested in learning about psycho-spiritual transformational coaching and how to move past the blockages in your life? During this consultation we will review the different protocols and answer any questions you may have about the coaching tools, practices and how to reach your greatest potential. We can also discuss plant medicines, the current research findings and if this is something you may want to pursue in your path to healing.

Transformational Self-Discovery Session (1 hour - $80, 2 hours - $155)

Transformational Coaching is a dynamic and tailored support system for you to start to realizing your goals, visions and dreams. An initial assessment will necessitate a deep dive into the inner landscape of your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual being to determine where you are starting from, define what is working or not, and reveal suffering that no longer serves.

Pre-Psychedelic Preparation Session (1 hour - $80, 2 hours - $155)

This time will be spent preparing for the entheogenic experience, which includes discussing the many techniques and strategies to ensure maximum results, payoffs, and benefits. The more you are aware, prepared and committed to the work ahead, the quicker you will allow the integration phase to begin, and this, many times, is before the medicine work even starts.

Post-Psychedelic Integration Session (1 hour - $80, 2 hours - $155)

This time will be spent processing insights and realizations the client has discovered through the entheogenic experience. Staying in the process allows for continued and deeper self-reflection, integration of the insights and wisdom, and application of strategies, skills and tools to enable deep healing and awareness for inner guidance, spiritual awakening and actualization. It is recommended to book 3-5 Integration Sessions following the entheogenic experience for optimal benefit.

Coaching Package - 3 Sessions - $215

Package of 3 One-Hour Coaching Sessions. Pre-Payment Required. 10% Discount.

Coaching Package - 6 Sessions - $408

Package of 6 One-Hour Coaching Sessions. Pre-Payment Required. 15% Discount.

Coaching Package - 12 Sessions - $768

Package of 12 One-Hour Coaching Sessions. Pre-Payment Required. 20% Discount.


“It has been 9 months that I have been working with Natalia. In our first session she asked me if I want to explore my spiritual side and my answer was I do not know what that is. Revisiting that memory recently made both of us laugh because I expressed the desire to keep exploring spirituality. 
The universe sent me the help and love I needed in the form of Natalia to keep doing that work. We have worked in many realms and universes together to rebuild me from square one at level 32. She has an undeniable soothing presence. She has been a mentor, teacher, friend, sister, mother, wolf, pather and angel to me. She has helped me find and build tools to keep doing this work myself. Now counselling for me is more on how to deal with the reality that lies outside of me and working with Natalia helps me explore the realities/universes that are inside me. There are more people like me who do no even know what they are homesick for and Natalia can help. I hope her light can help others find her.”
– Anisha, 35 y.o. Software Engineer 

“I have been working with Natallia since July 2020. In the few months of working with her, I have noticed amazing shifts in my life, particularly in areas that I have been actively working on for years. Natallia has helped me to uncover and reveal certain belief systems and stored emotions in my body, that have kept me stuck in certain toxic behavioural patterns. This has influenced the way I view, treat and love myself and others. My healing has been catalyzed, and she continues to help me bring awareness to all the pieces that have been preventing me from being in alignment with my true self. She has the gift of guiding you into younger parts of yourself to connect, feel, release, and gain insight.”
– Anonymous

“Natallia brings so much presence, love, compassion, empathy, patience, and non-judgement into our sessions- I always feel that she is right there with me through my processing. She welcomes the presence of anything and everything, and makes me feel safe to share, express, and be creative in how I resolve certain aspects of my wounds. Natallia’s knowledge about consciousness, belief systems, manifestation, and spirit have also helped me to connect with my innate power and spirit. She really approaches coaching in a holistic manner and brings in all pieces to look at. I am so grateful for our coaching sessions, and absolutely thrilled to have her in my life. Thank you Natallia!”
– Alexandra D, 38 y.o. Spiritual Coach

“Natalia is a great coach. She is very patient and deliberate in her approach. She gives great prompts to ensure that you are focused on the right things when going on the journeys. She is very assuring about the treatment itself and ensures you feel ready and comfortable to begin. Natalia lets you come to your own conclusions based on your own journeys, which I believe is very important. She encourages building new positive habits that stay with you past the treatment. Natalia is also very caring, she listens to your feelings and provides just enough advice for you to improve your situation.”
– V. Y. 26 y.o. Computer Engineer

“These sessions have really helped me to get the most out of my ketamine sessions. They also helped with understanding how ketamine works and how to have the best experience with it.”
– Brooke B, 18 y.o. Student

“I first experienced working with Natalia at a community event where I was impressed by her sensitivity and personal attention to the needs of each participant.
Together we have been working on exploring how I can live a fuller, more expressive life through self reflection, exploration of past experiences and honest and intimate conversations with myself.”
– Anonymous

“I have had the privilege to work with Natalia for several months now; she has held and created a safe space for me each time, taken extensive notes and spent time integrating and discussing progression towards my goals. In addition she has suggested ‘homework’ to build upon the work we have done together which has helped me to think through my experiences and make real progress towards my goals.”
– James F, 52 y.o. Computer Science Management

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